Nver Khachoyan

A picture of me

Hey, I'm Nver, a passionate Computer Science student at CSU Northridge. I specialize in full-stack development, with a deep love for web technologies, compiler design, and network programming. Welcome to my digital space!

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Technologies I Use

TypeScript, React, NodeJS

Building dynamic web applications with modern JavaScript frameworks and server-side technologies.

Go, Postgres, Docker

Designing efficient backends and scalable systems with robust database management.

Python, Flask, FastAPI

Creating RESTful APIs and data-driven applications with Python frameworks.

Featured Projects


A mobile app with bite-sized content to master Computer Science concepts. Built with React Native, Go, Docker, and PostgreSQL.

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A team project for a student club website. Developed with Flask, TailwindCSS, and Python.

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Custom Chrome Extension

A daily task and productivity tool with custom APIs and asynchronous JavaScript.

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Awards & Achievements

Book Recommendations

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Eloquent JavaScript

by Marijn Haverbeke - The best book for learning modern JavaScript, with a blend of theory and practice.

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High Performance Browser Networking

by Ilya Grigorik - A must-read for web developers looking to optimize the performance of their applications.

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Build Your Own Web Server From Scratch In Node.JS

by James Smith - A hands-on guide to mastering network programming and HTTP by coding your own web server.